Check Fraud Protection

Protect your payments.

Checks continue to be the payment method most often exposed to fraudulent activity.

If your company writes checks, we recommend you place the following services on all your checking accounts. We’re committed to providing our clients with the necessary knowledge and security measures to aid in fraud protection. Do more to protect your business.

Standard Positive Pay

Innovative fraud protection.

Standard Positive Pay systematically compares checks in your issued-check files to detect check numbers and dollar amounts that don’t match. Any exceptions are reviewable by you to decide whether to pay or return the checks.

Payee Positive Pay

An added layer of protection.

Payee Positive Pay includes all the innovative features of Standard Positive Pay, with the added security of comparing and identifying payee names that have been altered or don’t match.

Steps to Protect Yourself From Check Fraud

Other ways to pay.

Look for alternative methods to pay bills where your account number is protected, such as ACH initiation or business credit cards.

Fraud Protection Services

Use bank fraud protection services such as Positive Pay, ACH Blocks and Filters, and email alerts.

Two-person verification.

Implement two-person verification using dual control.

Separate Accounts

Segregate your accounts by using a separate account for payroll or refunds and limit the amount of funds maintained in those accounts.


Use eStatements and review them regularly. If you suspect fraud is occurring, contact American National Bank immediately.

Contact Your Banker

Call your banker or a Treasury Management professional to discuss your options.